Known as “søl” in Faroese, is a red seaweed species.
Ocean Palm is a healthy food product that contains a variety of vitamins and minerals. Ocean Palm is an excellent source to vitamin B9 and B12, and calcium, magnesium, iodine and iron. Ocean Palm is rich in flavour, and can be sprinkled on top of a wide variety of dishes, especially fish and seafood. Ocean Palm can also be used as a taste enhancer in food preparation, and as a substitute for salt. The product is dried with temperatures below 30°C to maintain the best quality.
Nutritional facts
Protein (ƩAA) 23 g/100g
Carbohydrate 43 g/100g (30-35% dietary fibers)
Fat 1.7 g/100g
Vitamins (mg/100g)
B1 0.2
B2 0.1 (Riboflavin)
B6 0.2
E 8
Vitamins (µg/100g)
B9 1740 (Folic acid)
B12 17 (Cobalamin)
Minerals (mg/100g)
P 770 (Phosphorus)
Ca 180 (Calcium)
Mg 390 (Magnesium)
I 26 (Iodine)
Fe 28 (Iron)
Se 0.02 (Selenium)
Mn 1 (Manganese)
Cu 1 (Copper)
Zn 10 (Zinc)
Cr 0.04 (Chrome)
Mo 0.06 (Molybdenum)